NFL Films |
In Hollywood, imagination is king. Any world you can envision can be created, because anything a production could ever need is at hand. You could say the place is one-of-a-kind, it if wasn't for another place in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, called NFL Films.
NFL Films isn't just the most honored filmmaker in sports, or even just another production company. It's a 21st century, state of the art creative engine. Home to ideas and artists, technology and talent. Everything and everyone you need to bring your vision to the screen – any screen, big or small. Just like they do in Hollywood, but with a better 40-time.
NFL Films is also home to the world's largest library of sports footage, and nearly ten thousand pieces of original music. We're the pro's pros. Need something edited, shot, or directed? Done. Maybe you only need help with an especially tricky element. No sweat, we've got you covered. And we've got wall after wall of Emmys to prove it.
Ed Sabol, an overcoat salesman with a keen eye and even better pitch, convinces NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle to let his company Blair Motion Pictures film the 1962 Championship game.
NFL Films is born.
They Call it Pro Football revolutionizes sports television with its dazzling images, unique sound design and muscular narration.
In 2019 it was added to The National Film Registry of The Library of Congress.
In a first, fans get the chance to listen to a genius at work when Vince Lombardi agrees to wear a wire on game day.
Paper Lion starring George Plimpton employs Steve Sabol to help film the football action to enhance realism. L.A. would ask for help again for blockbusters like Black Sunday and Jerry Maguire.
Hank Stram becomes the first head coach wired for the Super Bowl. His master tactics and malaprops win the day.
ABC's seminal football show gets a boost with Howard Cosell's halftime highlights package from Sunday's games fully produced by NFL Films in mere hours.
The ultimate marriage of sound and imagery. The "Voice of God"—John Facenda—commingled with the irresistible music of Sam Spence. 45 seconds of perfection.
NASA commissions a documentary detailing Apollo 11's historic journey.
In the inaugural Sports Emmy Awards, NFL Films scores a statuette for its one-hour special Skateboard Fever.
NFL Films recaps every meaningful moment of the Chicago Bears epic season from summer camp to the final whistle of Super Bowl XX. The tape hits the market just days after the big game.
A dozen film crews are embedded with the World Champion Baltimore Ravens at training camp. The resulting series on HBO creates an entirely new genre: Reality Sports Television.
A new 200,000-square foot production facility opens. Complete with 15 on-line editing suites. 10 audio suites. A massive shooting stage. Even a recording studio large enough for a full orchestra. Routine updates and upgrades keep it the East Coast's Alpha facility.
The newly launched NFL Network has airwaves to fill 24/7. They turn to NFL Films for programming. America's Game, A Football Life and NFL Top 100. Tent poles for a nascent network.
Bill Belichick—yep, that one—agrees to wear a wire for every minute of every game during the season. Unprecedented access to the best in the business.
Ray Lewis wears a mic for every snap of the Baltimore Ravens season. The face of the franchise provides a unique insight into the rhythm of an NFL season.
The ultimate in access. The Arizona Cardinals allow camera crews to spend the entire season with them. Remote cameras in every room, wires on every player. The most comprehensive coverage of a professional team. Ever.
Peyton Manning hosts a whimsical tour through NFL history by visiting the places and people who made it. It's a smile-generating new genre. It doesn't have a name yet. Or an equal.
The first ever real-time series documenting an NFL Team's season as it happens. Scores of cameras and crew inside the facility, players' homes and on the sidelines provides a view of a franchise never before seen.
A groundbreaking partnership between NFL Films and Skydance Media, the Hollywood box office record-breaker, Skydance Sports aims to become the preeminent studio for premium content across all sports. Movies. Series. Documentaries. Competition. Access. All of it.
A remarkable summer for NFL Films: Quarterback debuts as the #1 show on Netflix and becomes a breakout hit of the summer. The Pick Is In becomes the #1 documentary premiere ever on Roku. And Hard Knocks, reprising perhaps its most famous season with the New York Jets, shows an Aaron Rodgers fans have never seen before on its way to becoming one of the top-rated editions in the signature training camp series' decorated history.
For the first time ever – in its 61st season – NFL Films lands a spot on prime-time broadcast television. And it couldn't be a better choice: Inside the NFL, the signature premium NFL Films highlights show for generations of fans and players and for 46 seasons the longest running show on cable TV, moves to The CW. The show the pros watch is now the show everyone can watch.